I'm Still Learning
A current look at what the Bible says to us today.
64 episodes
Seven Dips and You're Clean!
Did you know that God cares for people we don't like? Just because we make someone our enemy, it doesn't make them God's enemy. God is more interested in reconciliation than retribution. The story of Naaman is found in 2 Kings 7, and I'm readin...
Episode 63
Bird Poop or Fresh Bread
Have you ever been so hungry that you ate something that you would have never considered if you were well-fed? Well, in today’s episode, found in 2Kings 6&7, the people who were trapped within the walls of Samaria had to make some tough die...
Episode 62
Didn't Our Hearts Burn!
No one speaks with as much certainty as someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. But the one who truly is n authority speaks from calm confidence. when Jesus speaks, that calm confidence comes through as peace in even the most turbu...
Episode 61
Two Worlds- One Choice
The Easter Story is really about a clash between two world powers. It was a face-off between the kingdom of earth and the kingdom of Heaven. Scripture references for this episode are all from the NIV:Matthew 28:5, John 11:50, J...
Episode 60
Hosannas and Humility
Jesus was welcomed in a big way as he entered Jerusalem in the days leading up to his crucifixion. But Jesus didn’t fall for all the shouts of praise, because he knew why he was going there. He exhibited humility through all of the praise and a...
Episode 59
Calling All Sheep!
Just about everyone wants to know that who they are falling knows where they are going. With Jesus as our Good Shepherd, we can follow confidently as He leads us on our life's journey. Scriptures read in this episode are:Psalm ...
Episode 58
Habit of the Heart
If you've ever tried to get two boys who were fighting to apologize, you know that just saying "I'm sorry" seldom reveals true repentance. That's because true repentance comes from the heart. Scripture references from today's episo...
Episode 57
Growing Through Difficulty
Remember when you learned how to drive? There were so many things to remember and the driving test was so scary. But it was worth it to get that license. the Christian life offers its own times of testing, but the result is a greater faith in G...
Episode 56
Weak Individuals and Strong Communities
A single stitch of thread can't accomplish much until it is woven closely together with many other stitches. Then it forms a seam many times stronger than each individual stitch. As I bring this study from Colossians to an end with this episode...
Episode 55
Bonus Story- The Road To Tinkhamtown
I want to record some of my favorite stories from time to time. This story, written by Corey Ford is at the top of the list.
Ties of Mutual Obligation
We love to proclaim our rights. But we know that we live in a world where everyone has rights and with our rights, we have obligations to those around us. Paul describes this reality well in today's episode, which is based in Colossians 3:18-25...
Episode 54
Agressive Kindness
The thing that really distinguishes the authentic Christian life from all others is the kindness that is displayed to everyone, regardless of who they are. It is a recognition that no matter what advantages or disadvantages mark a person's way ...
Sometimes the rules aren't "The Rules"
Have you ever played a game with someone who would change the rules when it suited them to get the outcome they expected? You find out that the rules you're playing by are not the rules the game's developer had in mind. While it might be okay t...
Go With What You Got
Are you the kind of person who puts things off because you think you're not good enough, or not ready yet? That kind of thinking holds many believers back from sharing what Jesus has done for them. But if you are in Christ, you are ready to get...
Episode 51
Keep It Going!
To keep a movement going beyond the life of its founder takes a lot more than a charismatic leader. The apostle Paul knew this and he provided a great model that we can follow even today. The scriptures used for this study are Colossians 1:24-2...
Episode 50
Know Who You're Talking To
Don’t you love watching a video where someone is interacting with someone famous but they have no idea of who they’re talking to? You know that their conversation would go in a completely different direction if they knew who they were talking t...
Episode 49
Hearing From God
When God speaks, things change. But if you're not listening, you might miss it. Does God speak to us today? If so, how do we hear Him? I'll discuss this very topic in this episode. Our scripture reference for this episode is Colossians 1:15-22 ...
Episode 48
Bearing Fruit and Growing In Strength
This week I am starting a new series called No Added Ingredients. I'll be going verse by verse through the New Testament book of Colossians. This short book has a lot to say to us today, so get out your Bible and follow along as I go through th...
Episode 47
Reframe Your Response
Entering a new calendar year always seems to make us think of ways we can improve our lives. One thing I recommend is changing the way we view and respond to the evil and injustice of the world we live in. Scriptures read in this episode are:
Episode 46
When Life Throws You A Curve
Life often throws us a curveball. How we respond to the unexpected events of life is really important as we represent Christ to the world. Today we are going to see how Joseph responded to the major curve that was thrown to him when he found ou...
Episode 45
Mary Didn't Know
There is a lot that we don't know about that is going on inner world. The information we use to make decisions with is usually incomplete or inaccurate. But there is someone who is with us who knows it all and he was born more than 2000 years a...
Episode 44
Wise or Foolish- The Choice Is Yours
Building a house is exciting- but before it begins to go up, it is important to make sure that the foundation is solid, or it won’t last. As Jesus brings his Sermon on the Mount to a conclusion he makes sure that just listening to his sermon is...
Episode 43
Fruit; Not Flash
To state what should be obvious, if you’re looking for some grapes to pick, you’re wasting your time if you’re looking among the sticker bushes. You’re just not going to find tasty grapes in a field of sandburrs. Jesus uses that illustration to...
Episode 42