I'm Still Learning
A current look at what the Bible says to us today.
Podcasting since 2022 • 64 episodes
I'm Still Learning
Latest Episodes
Seven Dips and You're Clean!
Did you know that God cares for people we don't like? Just because we make someone our enemy, it doesn't make them God's enemy. God is more interested in reconciliation than retribution. The story of Naaman is found in 2 Kings 7, and I'm readin...
Episode 63
Bird Poop or Fresh Bread
Have you ever been so hungry that you ate something that you would have never considered if you were well-fed? Well, in today’s episode, found in 2Kings 6&7, the people who were trapped within the walls of Samaria had to make some tough die...
Episode 62
Didn't Our Hearts Burn!
No one speaks with as much certainty as someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. But the one who truly is n authority speaks from calm confidence. when Jesus speaks, that calm confidence comes through as peace in even the most turbu...
Episode 61